Thursday, November 29, 2012

Cheetah Adaptations

Cheetah Adaptations


Cheetahs live in an open savanna that isn't very populated. When Cheetahs hunt, they stalk their prey then choke them. They leave there dead prey. Since the savanna is very open, other animals can find them and steal their food. Cheetahs have adapted to running. Cheetahs can run after their prey in zig-zags at up to 75 MPH. Cheetah adaptations revolve around their running.
The Tail
 Cheetah adaptations are not only for their speed,but also for their bodies. Unlike your everyday house cats, Cheetahs have a long slim tail, because a big fluffy tail would make the cheetah unbalanced, and it would be hard to run faster. Their slim bodies also help them moved swifter.

Cheetahs have a highly specialized pointed pad on their paws that allow them to stop almost immediately after running.   
 The End Thank you!